Transition Coaching

Navigating Change with Transition Coaching.

Change is hard, and life transitions can be incredibly complex.

Sometimes, they feel brutal, but often, when we emerge on the other side and look back, we realise they have been periods of profound personal growth and learning.

However, during these intense periods in life, many can get stuck in what seems to be the powerful pull of quicksand or derail out of fear of the unknown, which can have a catastrophic impact on how the future unfolds, let alone our health and relationships.

These profoundly destabilising periods of transition are unavoidable.

Most of us experience the ones common to us:

  • Teenage years
  • Becoming adults
  • Entering parenthood
  • Moving into midlife
  • Retiring and eventually
  • Elderhood

Additionally, transitions can occur following life events like career changes, divorce, and grief.

During these significant changes, our sense of identity can become very shaky.

Our identity as individuals is evolving, often expanding, which can be challenging, especially when transitions are unexpected. Even when anticipated, transitions can be experienced emotionally, mentally and physically very differently from what we imagined. We may feel like the ground beneath us feels shaky; we lose our footing, feeling like the rug has been pulled out from under us.

These are times when seeking support is crucial—you do not have to do it alone.

I work with a midlife audience because this is an incredibly complex time of massive change that needs to be understood and supported.

I aim to provide support and information so you can navigate these transitions in an empowered way.

Typically, my clients are facing:

  • Divorce and infidelity
  • Empty nest “syndrome”
  • Transitioning into Retirement
  • Transitioning into Elderhood
  • Processing the death of a loved one
  • Rebounding after a divorce, significant relationship breakup or financial collapse.

Whether navigating one or multiple transitions, I am here to support and empower you.

Please contact me if you would like to explore how we can navigate your journey together, help you birth a new version of yourself, and empower you.

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