BioEnergetiX WellNES System

BioEnergetiX WellNES System.

Things are changing rapidly, and we must adapt quickly to new ways of doing things.

We know there is a lot of anxiety about what is happening and how that will impact our lives moving forward – especially from a personal health point of view.

Years ago, I invested in the NES Health BioEnergetiX WellNES System. My thought process then was to support my health and that of my family. However, I realised that the timing for introducing the option of a bioenergetic scan to my clients couldn’t be better – especially for those affected by fatigue or stress, in general, even more so that the scan can be done remotely.

So what is this about?

NES Health is the leader in bioenergetics, which is the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. They have spent decades mapping out the body’s energy and communication systems. Collectively, these systems are called the human body field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity.

When this field is underpowered or distorted, it cannot run the body optimally, and the body’s cells and systems may begin to struggle. Symptoms often start with feeling tired, but they can continue into any known health problem.

When we improve the function of the body field and combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.

What does this mean for you?

Thanks to the NES Health scanner, I can see underpowered or distorted fields related to fatigue and chronic stress, issues many people
report these days. When coaching, whether in person or remotely, the software allows me to target and focus more specifically on the lifestyle, emotions, beliefs, and nutritional elements underlying fatigue.

Combining a bioenergetic scan with other strategies is a powerful and effective way to manage stress and other symptoms that can often occur when too many things are disrupted in our lives and environment.

Please contact me to get a FREE digital copy of the Restore Your Energy With Bioenergetics book.

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