
My Story.

Welcome to my website. On this page, I share my journey and how it shapes my services.

I was born in France in the early 1960s, a time of rebellion. I grew up in Strasbourg, a city in north-eastern France near the border with Germany. With a rich history dating back to the Roman Empire, Strasbourg has been a centre of culture, politics, and trade for centuries and is home to the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights.

My family had roots all over Europe, and this cultural and familial environment sparked an open-mindedness in me towards everything related to humanity, cultural diversity, and inequalities that seem beyond our control, justice, and freedom (one of the philosophical pillars of France). Even back then, I had a deep understanding that despite our differences, we are all fundamentally similar in our humanity.

This decision and the circumstances of our arrival in Australia profoundly shaped my life as a young woman. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Settling down became a monumental challenge. My self-esteem and confidence took a severe hit. I then faced a choice: return to France to my family (who had more or less predicted a return in defeat) or face everything life threw at me. I decided to adopt the mindset that “here and now, everything is as perfect as it can be” and to start over. Naturally, proving everyone wrong and showing that we would not return defeated also played a significant role in my decision to stay. This began a long personal development journey full of challenges and detours.

Once I made the decision to stay, I had the time to clarify my vision and the direction I wanted my life to take.

Shortly after this realisation, I entered the corporate world. I started cautiously, staying within the French community, before taking the plunge into the English-speaking business world. Each position I held allowed me to adapt, learn, and grow, discovering strategies that worked for me.

I began with administrative roles and gradually worked my way up to positions that aligned more closely with my personality and talents. Over the next 20 years, I worked as a credit analyst, a research and development officer in the banking sector, an executive recruiter in Sydney’s business world, and then in marketing, event management, and leadership training. After two decades in the corporate world, while raising a family of four, I eventually burned out: a breakup, a second divorce, illness, and depression.

For the second time, now in my forties, I found myself at a crossroads. An inner voice was telling me that I was betraying my ancestors—my grandparents and great-grandparents, who had fought, resisted and survived (otherwise, I would not be here today writing these words). They were also artists and dreamers. They believed in life and a better future and found goodness around them despite the hardships they endured.

Somehow I could feel them tapping my shoulder reminding me I had to do something if I did not want to end up on anti-depressants and other drugs for the rest of my life.

I went out on a limb and started a home-based business in the Personal Development industry. I chose the road less travelled, focusing on lesser-known strategies and insights raised from discoveries in neuroscience, quantum physics, and biology that asked that we revisit old self-help or personal growth concepts with new eyes. Today, these ideas are ‘mainstream’ in the human potential sector.

To conclude,

Over three decades, I’ve gone through substantial learning and experience. I first learned to ride the corporate, then the entrepreneurial roller coasters: trials and errors, ups and downs. It is often said that what does not kill you makes you stronger. Along the way, I learned that with the proper support and inner strategies to tap into a more resourceful mindset, we all could be free of ailments, transform our energy levels, get our energy back or at the very least adapt our responses to what life throws at us. These strategies are the ones I am practising, coaching and teaching today.

As a freelance consultant with many hats, I offer services ranging from transformational and evolutionary coaching to stress and fatigue management and workplace wellness.

As a coach, speaker and workshop facilitator, I design and facilitate “out of the box” trainings for clients aligned to a more sustainable worldview and philosophy.

As a hypnotist and NLPer, I help people connect with and tap into their inner resources to live happier, more fulfilling, and more peaceful lives.

As a wellness practitioner, I help men and women (and sometimes children) overcome fatigue and optimize their energy levels.

My clients and I often share an inner knowing that if one person or one business can make a difference, then together, we can influence how the future unfolds.

Considering the overwhelming chaos we are witnessing today, wanting to “change the world” may well be the most pragmatic and down-to-earth desire one may want to commit to!

In some way, I felt them urging me to do something to avoid spending the rest of my life on antidepressants. I decided to start a small business in the field of personal development and human potential. More specifically, I chose a path that was less travelled at the time, focusing on strategies based on discoveries in neuroscience, quantum physics, biology, and consciousness research, which invited us to revisit ancient and universal spiritual concepts with a fresh perspective. Today, these ideas are widespread in the field of human potential.

In summary, as I write these words, I now have more than 40 years of experience and perspective, which form the foundation of the services I offer today. Looking back, it is easy to see how events connected the different episodes of my journey, from the highs and lows of the corporate world to those of entrepreneurship. From being a young mother, I have become a grandmother (a young grandmother, I should mention) and a widow. It is often said that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. I have learned that regardless of the challenges, family, community, or spiritual support is essential, but the key lies within us. This connection with the part of us that transcends the physical and material world is an invaluable resource for maintaining an open mind, a willingness to learn, and seeing our trials as necessary lessons for our growth, even when it is not always easy to understand the lesson while everything seems to be falling apart. These profound strategies allow us to free ourselves from our problems, regain energy, and better respond to life’s challenges. These are the strategies I practice, teach, and share today.

My clients and I often share this inner conviction: if one person or one business, regardless of its size, can have a positive impact, then together, we have the power to influence the future. Having a positive impact means having the courage to act, to create real change, and to make decisions that reflect our values and aspirations. It’s about contributing, in our own way, to improving our environment, whether by supporting others, innovating in our activities, or adopting more responsible practices. Amid the current global chaos, wanting to “change things” is not just a romantic dream but a pragmatic and necessary approach. By accumulating these small actions, guided by heart and vision, we can transform our world and build a more harmonious and sustainable future.

I have coached, mentored or worked with individuals from all walks of life, from CEO and home-based entrepreneurs to those much less privileged. To say that I enjoy the process of coaching would be an understatement.

I love witnessing the ah-ha moments as a person connects with the resources of her mind and gets unstuck in ways they could not have imagined before.

If you are finding yourself at a crossroads in your life and feel it is time to change the way things are in your life, health, business or relationships, consider that you do not have to do it all on your own. None of us is an island living in isolation.

I would feel both humbled and honoured being able to be your guide in this journey.

Please contact me if you would like to explore how we can navigate your journey together, help you birth a new version of yourself, and empower you.

Get in touch