For years, I operated on the Plan A and Plan B models. Plan A was my heart’s desire—the project or idea that made my pulse quicken, and my imagination spark with possibility. But there was always Plan B, a safety net, a fallback if Plan A didn’t work out. This approach served me well when organising childcare or planning holidays, but when it came to my career and life’s bigger ambitions, it often led me astray.

My circumstances weren’t always ideal, and fear and anxiety frequently nudged me to abandon Plan A in favour of the safer, more familiar Plan B. But one morning, during a walk on the beach, I had a revelation: What if Plan B wasn’t just a fallback but the very platform I needed to succeed with Plan A?

Here’s what I mean: Plan B has always been the safe, practical, and comfortable choice—the one that feels secure, the one our intellect tells us is the right thing to do to avoid risk. Psychology even supports this; security is often the foundation we need before launching into the unknown. But here’s the catch—Plan B, while safe, can also become a trap, a comfort zone that’s hard to leave. It’s easy to settle for the safety of Plan B and forget the excitement and passion that Plan A once ignited in us.

Living in the safety of Plan B can give us a sense of security, but it can also feel like sinking in quicksand—safe on the surface but gradually pulling us down. On the other hand, Plan A is exhilarating, but it’s also terrifying, uncomfortable, and sometimes downright wild.

So, what if Plan B wasn’t the failure alternative but the launchpad for Plan A? What if, instead of seeing Plan B as a fallback, we saw it as the place where we forge our wings, the foundation where we incorporate elements of Plan A into our daily lives?

To ensure that Plan B leads to Plan A, I began infusing Plan A’s vision into Plan B. I asked myself, “What story do I want to live, love, and create today, this month, this year? What can I do today that carries the seed of what I want to live, love, and create? How can I move into that right now?” By doing this, I began to hear and recognise the rhythm of my heart, gently guiding me toward my true desires.

Plan B is no longer the poor alternative to Plan A. Instead, it’s an expansive way of living, a dynamic process of growth that allows you to evolve, create beauty from chaos, gain wisdom from pain, and find meaning and fulfilment in life’s journey. Plan B is about loving your chaos and using it to propel yourself toward Plan A.

In a nutshell, the idea is to stop seeing Plan B as a backup plan in case of failure. Instead, see it as the fertile ground where you plant seeds, nurture them, and watch them grow into a bountiful harvest of possibilities. By embracing this shift in perspective, you can transform what once felt like a fallback into the very thing that carries you to your ultimate vision for your life.

Would you be interested in joining a conversation on this topic and getting some clarification on applying these ideas to your current situation?

If so, please get in touch with me.

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