
Transforming through life’s transitions.

About Recovery Journey

In my work, recovery is about self-retrieval—a journey toward wholeness that differs significantly from the typical idea of personal development or self-help. It’s not about fixing something broken; it’s about reclaiming the parts of ourselves scattered along the way. Think of it as a mission to recover the “black box” of your life—the essential pieces that reveal who you truly are and how to move forward.

Life’s challenges—whether setbacks, losses, illness, or unexpected disruptions—can cause us to lose parts of ourselves. These aspects existed before we adopted limiting beliefs, and painful experiences clouded our sense of self. In this context, recovery is a return to an untainted version of ourselves—a mindset untouched by the falsehoods we’ve gathered over time.

Self-Retrieval: Moving Toward Wholeness

At its core, recovery is about reclaiming the essence of who you are. It involves gathering the parts of your being that were lost or hidden amidst the chaos of life. This process of self-retrieval helps you look beyond limiting beliefs and reconnect with the parts of you that are unbiased and resilient.
Self-retrieval isn’t about erasing the past; it’s about using it as a guide to evolve into a more integrated, empowered version of yourself.

Transition Coaching

Dynamic Eating Psychology

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

Wisdom for Better Business

Stress & Wellbeing Assessments

Day Workshops


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